How Meditation Brings Creativity

By Cindy Moen Want to increase creativity to solve challenges during the pandemic? Skip the Doritos and try meditation These are unusual, highly stressful times. Across every industry, jobs have been reduced or eliminated. Movements have been limited to those deemed essential. Parents are working from home while their children are getting educated from home. […]

Nurturing an Innovative Mindset

By Tanya Amyote As a business owner, you are acutely aware of the fundamental risks and benefits of thinking outside the box. You know the pros and cons of taking that leap of faith and you have done it, successfully. You have carefully crafted your company and everything that entails, and you are, justifiably, proud […]

What’s New in Marketing?

By Jennifer Marsnik Legaltech News published an article on November 15, 2019, by Frank Ready, a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media, titled “For Legal Tech Vendors, the First Impression is Everything.” What I found most interesting is that I probably could have read the same article back when I started working in […]