8 Marketing ROI Measurement Hacks

by Cindy Moen According to Forrester’s 2021 B2B Buying Survey, B2B buyers engage in an average of 27 interactions before making a purchase, and about 60% of those purchases involve a committee of at least four people. If yours is like most small businesses that sell to other businesses, the tools that measure marketing return […]

Is Twitter Worth the Trouble?

by Mary Obregon A current question on a lot of marketers’ minds: “Is Twitter worth the trouble?” For some companies, Twitter may be the best social media platform; others may not say the same. Let’s discuss Twitter and whether the time and effort needed are worth it. Background Twitter took off in 2006 and became […]

The PESO Model – An Integrated Approach to Modern Communications

by Jennifer Marsnik Not long ago, core business activities like advertising, public relations and marketing content creation were silos within an organization. But today’s communication channels lend themselves to a more integrated approach. The PESO model is a communications strategy that combines four categories of media: paid, earned, shared and owned. Integrated programs use a […]

Tips to ensure your marketing communications aren’t disregarded – or worse